Association Atouvents

Association Atouvents


“These are the sailing ships that discovered the world, and they carry in their wake many legends”

Olivier de Kersauson

Logo atouvents

The Atouvents association

( created in April 2008 )

A concept, a team, an ambiance, more 200 days per year of navigation!

The board of directors of our Association Atuventes is pleased to present its new website to you.

We hope you will enjoy reading it.. You will find various information on our activities, as well as the availability of the skippers.

We invite you to share our passion for sailing all year round in a friendly atmosphere, and thank you for your support. For the season 2023/2024 , we had the pleasure of recording 367 memberships .

You want to practice or discover Sailing…

By almost any wind ! And this all year?
Our small team of skippers: Jean Claude, Gérard, Michael, Jean Pierre, Jacques and Jean , will share with you our passion for sailing in a magnificent and secure setting offered by the Thau lagoon , as well as cruises in the Mediterranean.

Welcome among us in Marseillan…

Our village where life is good and which enjoys a privileged location by the water. Many of you are diligent on numerous outings, on 1/2 days, days and cruises participate in the animation of our lake.

The fleet “Atouvents“, whose basis is provided by “Crunch“, “Inca“, “Othona“, “Jean Pierre“, “Antioch” , and “Surlova” , is completed by sailboats members of the association who enjoy meeting each other during outings, 1/2 days, Week-end, Cruises. Not to mention the nautical picnic day where conviviality and good humor are essential.

Why join us…

An individual, with family, or why not with your sailboat to participate in our outings, and all in a friendly spirit.
You are motivated to come and discover and practice sailing with us.
You are motivated to participate in maneuvers in order to acquire mastery of a sailboat.
Since 2008, date of creation of the associationATOUVENTS», your participation and your loyalty confirm our associative concept.

We love sailing, our keyword is : “conviviality on board !”

Nouveau !!!

With the arrival of the sailboat “Surlova” , Jean , captain experienced in offshore navigation , offers Atouvents members the opportunity to take part in cruises in the Mediterranean aboard its magnificent ketch. 13 meters.

To find out about boarding conditions and availability, you can contact directly jean

Sailboat captains

Gérard: Inca

Inca is a comfortable sailboat, livable and fast. It will satisfy lovers of fast cruising. Read more "Gérard: Inca"

Jean Claude: Crunch

Jean Claude will be happy to welcome you aboard his sailboat, perfectly equipped for leisure, the objective of which is to share the pleasures of sailing in a friendly atmosphere.. Read more "Jean Claude: Crunch"

Michael: Othona

OTHONA is a stable and gentle vessel at the helm, very canvas but stiff to the canvas and powerful when the wind rises. Read more "Michael: Othona"

Jacques: Antioch

First character boat (bois) of the Marseille Association "LABEL' MER", labeled "Boat of Heritage Interest" (BIP) Read more "Jacques: Antioch"

Jean : Surlova

Jean Guillamat ⛵ Surlova 📞+33 607304761 📧 Jean is a skipper experienced in offshore navigation who offers Atouvents members the opportunity to participate in.... Read more "Jean : Surlova"

Latest news

To arrange an appointment

Contact one of the skippers by phone or by SMS by consulting the section “ CONTACTS ».

More informations…

Dear Atouvents team members, your active participation invites us to maintain our half-day activities, or days, while developing grouped outings in navigation, mooring, bathing, or picnic.

With time, many members have become owners of their sailboat. They are now autonomous and many of them remain loyal to "Atouvents". We thank them.

Picnic 2024
Another superb day shared with our members who participated in our traditional picnic on the Thau lagoon …
General Meetings
2024 C'est dans une ambiance très conviviale que le samedi 27 July took place our General Assembly at our …
The Sails of the Grande Motte
Jean Pierre 2024 Once again both " flagships " Antioch and Ottona , by Jacques and Michel , …
St Peter's Day
2024 Traditionally , Atouvents participates in the ceremony of the feast of Saint Peter which took place on Sunday …
Arrival of the sailboat ” Surlova”
Jean est un chef de bord expérimenté en navigation hauturière qui propose aux adhérents d'Atouvents de participer à des croisières
Picnic 2023
I would like to send a big thank you to all the captains who contributed to the success of this wonderful …
Picnic 2022
This Saturday 6 August "Atouvents" had the pleasure of inviting members to take part in the traditional picnic on the Thau lagoon. The …
Next meeting
Our next general meeting will take place on Saturday 27 Jean Pierre 2024, at 18 o'clock 30, chez nos collègues de l'Aviron Marseillanais.
Jean Pierre – Photos
The 9 and 10 by offering 2022 the ATOUVENTS association participated in the organization of the nautical festivities “Escale à Marseillan”, …
Jean Pierre – Announcement
Jean Pierre, Jean Pierre …
Next exit
To arrange an appointment, just contact one of the skippers by phone or by S.M.S in …
Next Picnic
The dates of our next picnics will be proposed to you at our next General Assembly.
Internet page creation
Our page was created in November 2021. Les Développeurs Web qui l'ont crée sont Ivânia Pires et Alexandre Lima, …

Atouvents in pictures


Quai Antonin Gros

34340 Marseillan

Contact us

You can contact us by email:


You can also contact us by phone:

📞 Contacts

Étang de Thau