Association Atouvents


Article 1 – Association

It is founded between the members of this statute an Association, non-profit, governed by the law of July 1 1901 and the decree of 16 august 1901 with the title : ATOUVENTS.

Article 2 – Purpose of the Association

This association aims to share our passion, “Leisure Sailing” on habitable sailboats, as well as the discovery of our maritime environment by motor boat and make our this quote : " Free man, always you will cherish the sea ".

Article 3 – Headquarters of the Association

The head office is located in Marseillan
It can be transferred by simple decision of the office, ratification by the general assembly will be necessary.

Article 4 – Membership of the Association

The association consists of :
• Founders : They are those who participated in the constitution of the association.
• Ex officio members : These are the founding members and contributing members.
• Supporting members or donors : they are members who contribute to help the association through manual donations.
• Honorary members : they are people who render or have rendered services to the association.
• Associate members : these are members who only occasionally participate in the activities of the association.
• Active members : they are members who effectively participate in the activities and management of the association.

Article 5 – Admission of members

To be part of the association, must be approved by the office, which decides at each of its meetings, on admission applications submitted.

Article 6 - The members

Honorary members, founders and by right, are exempt from contributions.
Benefactor members are members who support the association by paying donations or higher amounts of membership fees than "active" members.

Members and active members agree to pay an annual fee of :
• family ……………….50 € (5 people at most)
• individual…………… 30 €

The amount of contributions may be modified at General Meetings on the proposal of the Board of Directors..

Article 7- Expulsions of members

Membership is lost :
By resignation, the death, the expulsion pronounced by the board of directors for non-payment of the annual contribution, or for serious reason, the interested party having been invited by registered letter to appear before the office to provide explanations.

Article 8 - Resources

The Association's resources include :
– the amount of contributions,
– state subsidies, local authorities and public establishments,
– Donations,
– the product of exceptional events,
– all resources authorized by law.

Article 9 – Board of Directors

The association is administered by a board of directors 6 members, elected for 3 years by the ordinary general meeting among the members. Members are eligible for re-election.
The board of directors is renewed each year by thirds at the ordinary general meeting., the first year the outgoing members are chosen by lot.
The Board of Directors chooses from among its members an office composed of :
1 – a president
2 – Secretary
3 – a treasurer
In case of vacation, the Board of Directors temporarily provides for the replacement of its members. Their final replacement is proceeded to at the ordinary general meeting.. The powers of the members thus elected end at the time when the mandate of the replaced members should expire..

Article 10 – Board meeting

The Board of Directors meets at least every six months, when convened by the president or at the request of half of its members. Decisions are taken by majority vote., in case of sharing, the vote of the President is preponderant.
Any board member who, without excuse will not have attended three consecutive meetings may be considered as having resigned. No one can be part of the council if he is not of age.

Article 11 – general Ordinary assembly

The ordinary general meeting includes all the members of the association in whatever capacity they are affiliated with it.. The ordinary general meeting takes place every year in JUNE.
Fifteen days at least before the fixed date, the members of the association are convened by the care of the secretary. The agenda is indicated on the summons. President, assisted by board members, chairs the assembly and explains the moral situation of the association. The treasurer reports on his management and submits the balance sheet for the approval of the assembly.
It is process, after exhaustion of the agenda, the replacement of outgoing members of the Board of Directors. should not be processed, during the assembly, that the issues on the agenda.
The quorum is reached when at least one tenth of the registered members are present.. If this quorum is not reached, the president convenes a new ordinary general meeting, within fifteen clear days, for the holding of which a quorum is not required. The majority, decisions put to the vote, is obtained by at least half of the members present and represented.

Article 12 – extraordinary general meeting

If needed, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the chairman may convene an extraordinary general meeting in accordance with the formalities provided for in article 10.

Article 13 – Rules of procedure

Rules of procedure can be drawn up by the board of directors, which then has them approved by the general meeting.. This possible regulation is intended to fix the various points not provided for by the statutes, in particular those relating to the internal administration of the association.

Article 14 – Dissolution

In the event of dissolution pronounced by at least two thirds of the members present at the general meeting, one or more liquidators are appointed by it and the assets, if any, is vested in accordance with article 9 of the law of July 1 1901 and the decree of 16 august 1901.

Marseillan the 04/08/2021


Gérard SEREY